This chart follows the progress made by the Canadian Biogenome team to generate and deposit
high quality reference genomes for all species in Canada.
Updated on 11 Dec 2024.
The Canadian Biogenome Project deposits all generated data to the NCBI as BioProject 813333.
All data are available via Ensembl.
Updated on 11-Dec-2024.
Canada possesses significant biodiversity, with roughly 80,000 plant and animal species in environments ranging from desert to the arctic. Many of these species are under threat due to rapid changes in climate and other human-led impacts on our environment.
The 2020 federal Wild Species report, which assessed ~50,534 Canadian species, identified ~4.5 per cent (2,253 species) as “May Be at Risk” in Canada.
As of May 2023, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada’s (COSEWIC) assessments included 846 wildlife species in various risk categories; 21 Extirpated (i.e., no longer found in the wild in Canada). In addition, 23 wildlife species have been assessed as Extinct.
Assessments by Indigenous Peoples in Canada also reflect systemic change— Inuit report declining abundance, health, and populations of several species.